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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

µoªí©ó 2013-1-28 19:11:43 |¥u¬Ý¸Ó§@ªÌ |­Ë§ÇÂsÄý

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Warning: Windows multi-boot may not function correctly

Warning: Windows did not finish loading on the previous attempt. Choose Safe mode, to start Windows with a minimal set of drivers ĵ§i¡GWindows¦b­è¤~¹Á¸Õ«á¤£¯à°÷§¹¦¨¥[¸ü¡A¿ï¾Ü¦w¥þ¼Ò¦¡¤UªºMS-DOS¡A¹B¦æSCANREG

Warning: Windows has detected a compressed drive access error. Choose Safe mode command prompt only, to help you identify the problem ĵ§i¡GWindowsÀË´ú¨ì¤@­Ó³X°ÝÀ£ÁYÅX°Ê¾¹¿ù»~¡A³Ì¤pºôµ¸¤ä«ù?³Q¥[¸ü

Warning: Windows has detected a registry/configuration error. Choose, Command prompt only, and run SCANREG ĵ§i¡Gµ§°O¥»¹q¸£¸ê°T.WindowsÀË´ú¨ì¤@­Óª`¥Uªí©Î°t¸m¿ù»~¿ï¾ÜDOS¾Þ§@¼Ò¦¡¡A«ö¥ô·NÁäÄ~Äò

Load the Windows graphical user interface ¸Ë¤JWINDOWS¹Ï§Î¥Î¤á¬É­±(GDI)

Process your startup command file (AUTOEXEC.BAT) ¹B¦æAUTOEXEC.BAT¤¤ªº?°Ê©R¥O

Process your startup device drivers (CONFIG.SYS) ¹B¦æCONFIG.SYS¤å¥ó¤¤ªº³]³ÆÅX°Ê

Create a startup log file (BOOTLOG.TXT) ³Ð«Ø?°Ê¤é§ÓBOOTLOG.TXT¤å¥ó

Process the system registry ¹B¦æ¨t²Îª`¥Uªí

Get a version from your vendor that is compatible with this version of Windows ±q§Aªº¨ÑÀ³°Ó¨º?Àò±o¤@­Ó»PWindowsª©¥»¬Û­Ý®eªºª©¥»

The compression driver cannot be set up correctly À£ÁYÅX°Êµ{§Ç¤£¯à³Q¥¿ÚÌ¥[¸ü

Windows will prompt you to confirm each startup command Windows?´£¥Ü§AÚÌ»{¨C¤@­Ó?°Ê©R¥O

Windows is starting the command prompt only Windows¥¿¦b?°Ê©R¥O¦r²Å¼Ò¦¡

Minimal network support will be loaded if available Windows¥¿¦b¸õ¹L§Aªº?°Ê¤å¥ó¡C¦pªGºôµ¸¥i¥Î¡A?³Q©¿²¤

Windows is bypassing your startup files

Type the name of the Command Interpreter (e.g., C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND.COM) Press any key to continue¡K ½Ð¿é¤J©R¥O¸ÑÄÀ¾¹ªº¤å¥ó¦W(¦p¡GC:\WIN DOWS\COMMAND.COM)«á¡AµM«á¦A¸Õ

Warning: Logical drives past Z exist and will be ignored ĵ§i¡GÅÞ¿èÅX°Ê¾¹Z¤w¸g¦s¦b¡Aautoexec.µM«á¦A¸Õ¡C³o?ªºÅX°Êµ{§Ç¬O«ü¦bCONFIG.SYS¤¤¨Ï¥Îdevice©Îdevicehigh©R¥O¥[¸üªºµ{§Ç¤å¥ó

There is an error in your CONFIG.SYS file on line XX ¦b§AªºCONFIG.SYS?XX¦æ¿ù»~

Default stack settings will be used instead ¯Ê¬Ùªº°ï´Ì³]¸m?³Q´À¥N¨Ï¥Î

The STACKS setting(s) in your CONFIG.SYS file are incorrect ¦b§AªºCONFIG.SYS¤¤°ï´Ì³]¸m¤£¥¿ÚÌ

You have too many block devices specified in your CONFIG.SYS file ½Õ¾ã§AªºCONFIG.SYS¤å¥ó¥HÀò±oblock devices

The configuration specified in your CONFIG.SYS file is too large for memory ½Õ¾ã§AªºCONFIG.SYS¤å¥ó¥HÀò±o¨¬°÷¤jªº?¦s

Remove some disk drivers from your CONFIG.SYS file, and then try again ±q§Aªº(CONFIG.SYS)²¾¥h³¡¤Àµ{§Ç¡A¹q¸£ºÞ®a.µM«á¦A¸Õ

Remove some drivers, and then try again ¥h°£¤@¨ÇÅX°Êµ{§Ç¡A­«·s?°ÊWindows 98¡K

Remove some drivers from your CONFIG.SYS file, and then try again ½Ð±qCONFIG.SYS¤å¥ó¤¤?°£³¡¤ÀÅX°Êµ{§Ç¡A½Ð´¡¤J»PWindowsª©¥»¤Ç°tªº¨t²Î½L«á¦A­«?

There is not enough memory for the COUNTRY.SYS file ¨S¦³¨¬°÷ªº?¦s¨Ó¥[¸üCOUNTRY.SYS¤å¥ó

There is an error in the COUNTRY command in your CONFIG.SYS file ¦b§AªºCONFIG.SYS?¦³¤@­Ó¿ù»~ªº³]¸m°ê®a©R¥O

There is an invalid country code or code page in your CONFIG.SYS file ¦b§AªºCONFIG.SYS?¦³¤@­ÓµL®Äªº°ê®a¥N½X

The following file is missing or corrupted: WIN.COM COMMAND.COM ¤U¦C¤å¥ó?¥¢©Î³Q¯}Ãa¡GWIN.COM©MCOMMAND.COM

The sector size specified in this file is too large: ¸Ó¤å¥ó¤¤«ü©wªº®°°Ï¤Ó¤j

The following command in your CONFIG.SYS file is incorrect: ¦b§AªºCONFIG.SYS¦³¤U¦C¿ù»~©R¥O

There is an unrecognized command in your CONFIG.SYS file ¦b§AªºCONFIG.SYS¤å¥ó¤¤¦³¤£¥iÃÑ?ªº©R¥O

Press Esc now to cancel MS-DOS mode and restart Windows 98... «öEsc°h¥XMS-DOS ¼Ò¦¡¡A«öCtrl+Alt+Del­«·s?°Ê§Aªº­pºâ¾÷

Windows 98 is now restarting... Windows 98¥¿¦b­«·s?°Ê

Windows 98 is now starting your MS-DOS-based program Windows 98¥¿¦b?°Ê°ò¤_MS-DOSªºµ{§Ç

Starting Windows 98... ¥¿¦b?°ÊWindows 98¡K¡K

A20 hardware error. Contact technical support to identify the problem ¦a§}½uA20¿ù»~¡CÁp¨t§Þ³N¤ä«ù¨ÓÃÑ?¸Ó°ÝÃD

This version of Windows requires a 386 or better processor ¸ÓWindowsª©¥»»Ý­n386¥H«áªºCPU¤ä«ù

You started your computer with a version of MS-DOS incompatible with this version of Windows. Insert a Startup diskette matching this version of Windows and then restart §A?°ÊªºMS-DOSª©¥»»PWindowsª©¥»¤£­Ý®e¡A¹q¸£¸ê°Tºô.½ÐÁp¨t§Aªºµ{§Ç¨ÑÀ³°Ó

The system has been halted. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart your computer ¨t²Î¬E°_¡A?°Ê¥¢±Ñ

Windows has disabled direct disk access to protect your long filenames Windows¤£¯àª½±µ³X°Ý¨ü«OÅ@ªºªø¤å¥ó¦W

If the problem persists, contact your program vendor §Aªºµ{§Ç¾É½o·¸¥X¿ù»~¡C¦pªG¸Ó°ÝÃDÁÙ¦s¦b¡A´À´«ºÏ½L«á«ö¥ô·NÁä(·íC½L¨t²Î¤å¥ó?¥¢©Î³Q¯}Ãa®É¥X²{¸Ó´£¥Ü«H®§¡C³o®É¥i¯àSYS C:?­×½Æ¨t²Î¤å¥ó)

Your program caused a divide overflow error

Insert diskette for drive and press any key when ready ´¡¤JºÏ½L¨ìÅX°Ê¾¹¤¤«á«ö¥ô·NÁä

´£¥Ü«H®§ »¡©ú


Invalid Boot Diskette Boot Failure µL®Äªº?°Ê½L¡A³o®É§A¤£­n»´©ö¶i¦æ¤À°Ï¡A¦¹®É¥i§PÂ_µw½L¤À°Ïªí·lÃa¡C¦pªG§Aªºµw½L¤W¦³­«­n¸ê®Æ¡ABAT).¦bµw¥ó°t¸m²M³æ¤U¤è(¤]´N®É¦b¥­®É¥¿±`?°Ê®É¥X²{Starting Windows 98¡Kªº¦a¤è)¥X²{¤£¥iÃÑ?¦r²Å¡A´¡¤J¨t²Î½L«á«ö¥ô·NÁäÄ~Äò

Invalid Media Type reaching Drive C: µL®Äªº¢Ñ½L´CÅé®æ¦¡»¡©ú¡C¤]´N¬OC½L¨S¦³®æ¦¡¤Æ©ÎªÌ¬O¨ä¥L¾Þ§@¨t²ÎªººÏ½L®æ¦¡¦pNTFS

Disk I/O error, Replace the disk and press any key. ºÏ½LI/O¿ù»~¡A¥i§ä±M·~ªº¼Æ¾Ú«ì½Æ¤½¥q¡C

Invalid system disk µL®Äªº¨t²Î½L

´£¥Ü«H®§ »¡©ú



Missing operating system ¨t²Î¤Þ¾É¤å¥ó?¥¢

Error loading operating sy stem ¤£¯à¸Ë¤J¤Þ¾É¨t²Î

Invalid partition table µL®Äªº¤À°Ïªí

´£¥Ü«H®§ »¡©ú



Drive media is : 1.44Mb1.2Mb 720Kb 360K ÅX°Ê¾¹®æ¦¡¬O1.44Mb¡B12Mb¡B720kb¡B360kbªº¤@ºØ

Detecting floppy drive A media... ÀË´ú³nÅXAªº®æ¦¡

´£¥Ü«H®§ »¡©ú




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GMT+8, 2024-12-4 01:16 , Processed in 0.758438 second(s), 23 queries .

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