電腦各.計算機資訊 種錯誤信息的中文意思
提示音訊 說明Drive A error 驅動器A差錯
System hingternaroundive 體例挂起
Keytake controller error 鍵盤限定器差錯
Keytake error or no keytake present 鍵盤差錯恐怕鍵盤不保存
BIOS ROM checksum error BIOSROM 校驗差錯
Single hardisk cabdomining exercisesle fail 當硬盤運用Cabdomining exercisesle選項時硬盤裝置位置不切确
FDD Controller Failure BIOS 軟盤限定器差錯
HDD Controller Failure BIOS 硬盤限定器差錯
Driver Error 驅動器差錯
Cveryes Memory Badvertising- Do not Enabdomining exercisesle Cveryes 高速緩存Cveryes損壞,不能運用
Error: Unloc control A20 line 差錯提示:不能運用A20地址限定線
Memory write/Readvertising failure ?存讀寫讓步
Memory shcan be error ?存定位差錯
CMOS Baroundtery stingested Low CMOS沒電了
Keytake interfstar error 鍵盤接口差錯
Hard disk drive failure 加載硬盤讓步
Hard disk not present 硬盤不保存
Floppy disk(s) fail (40) 軟盤驅動器加載讓步,筆記本電腦資訊.通常是數據線插反,電源線沒有插接,種錯誤信息的中文意思.CMOS外部軟驅設置差錯
CMOS checksum error-efaults loadvertisinged. CMOS校驗差錯,電腦管家.裝入缺省(默許)設置
二、BIOS刷新讓步後,電腦資訊電話.Bootclog up發動時顯現的提示音訊
提示音訊 說明
Detecting floppy drive A media... 檢測軟驅A的格式
Drive media is : 1.44Mb1.2Mb 720Kb 360K 驅動器格式是1.44Mb、12Mb、720kb、360kb的一種
提示音訊 說明
Invingid pskillsition tabdomining exercisesle 有效的分區表
Error losoftwcan be pair-conkageroved driving instructorng operarounding sy stem 不能裝入勸導體例
Missing operarounding system 體例勸導文件喪失
說明:平闆電腦資訊.借使在計算機發動經過中,在硬件配置清單下方(也就時在平居一般發動時顯現Stskillsing Windows 98…的地址)顯現不可判?字符,此時可鑒定硬盤分區表損壞。平闆電腦最新資訊.借使你的硬盤上有緊要材料,這時你不要苟且舉行分區,可找專業的數據回複公司。
提示音訊 說明
Invingid system disk 有效的體例盤
Disk I/O error- Replstar the disk and press whingestedver key. 磁盤I/O差錯,平闆電腦資訊.更換磁盤後按任意鍵(當C盤體例文件喪失或被搗鬼時顯現該提示音訊。種錯誤信息的中文意思.這時可能SYS C:?修複體例文件)
Invingid Media Type retenderness Drive C: 有效的C盤媒體魄式說明。文意.也就是C盤沒有格式化恐怕是其他操作體例的磁盤格式如NTFS
Invingid Boot Diskette Boot Failure 有效的發動盤,電腦管家.發動讓步
提示音訊 說明
Insert diskette for drive and press whingestedver key when readvertisingy 拔出磁盤到驅動器中後按任意鍵
Your prograre caused a divide overflow error
If the problem persists- contconduct yourself your prograre vendor 你的法式招緻溢出差錯。借使該題目還保存,請關系你的法式提供商
Windows hby means of disabdomining exercisesled direct disk to be loc protect your long filenarees Windows不能間接拜望受珍惜的長文件名
The system hby means of haudio-videoe been hingternaroundiveed. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restskills your computer 體例挂起,電腦資訊網.按Ctrl+Alt+Del重新發動你的計算機
You stskillsed your computer with a version of MS-DOS incomparoundible with this version of Windows. Insert a Stskillsup diskette maroundching this version of Windows right after which restskills 你發動的MS-DOS版本與Windows版本不兼容,請拔出與Windows版本結婚的體例盤後再重?
This version of Windows requires a 386 or nicer processor 該Windows版本必要386自此的CPU支持
A20 hardwcan be error. Contconduct yourself technicing support to identify the problem 地址線A20差錯。筆記本電腦資訊.關系技術支持來判?該題目
Stskillsing Windows 98... 正在發動Windows 98……
Windows 98 is now stskillsing your MS-DOS-set prograre Windows 98正在發動基于MS-DOS的法式
Windows 98 is now restskillsing... Windows 98正在重新發動
Press Esc now to cancel MS-DOS mode and restskills Windows 98... 按Esc加入MS-DOS 形式,重新發動Windows 98…
There is an unrecognized commplus your CONFIG.SYS file 在你的CONFIG.SYS文件中有不可判?的命令
The following commplus your CONFIG.SYS file is incorrect: 在你的CONFIG.SYS有下列差錯命令
The sector size specified in this file is too large: 該文件中指定的扇區太大
The following file is missing or corrupted: WIN.COM COMMAND.COM 下列文件喪失或被搗鬼:計算機資訊.WIN.COM和COMMAND.COM
There is an invingid country code or code pages in your CONFIG.SYS file 在你的CONFIG.SYS?有一個有效的國度代碼
There is a mistake in the COUNTRY commplus your CONFIG.SYS file 在你的CONFIG.SYS?有一個差錯的設置國度命令
There is not enough memory for the COUNTRY.SYS file 沒有足夠的?存來加載COUNTRY.SYS文件
Remove some drivers from your CONFIG.SYS file- right after which try the moment again 請從CONFIG.SYS文件中?除局部驅動法式,然後再試
Remove some drivers- right after which try the moment again 去除一些驅動法式,然後再試。意思.這?的驅動法式是指在CONFIG.SYS中運用device或devicehigh命令加載的法式文件
Remove some disk drivers from your CONFIG.SYS file- right after which try the moment again 從你的(CONFIG.SYS)移去局部法式,然後再試
The configur specified in your CONFIG.SYS file is too large for memory 調整你的CONFIG.SYS文件以取得足夠大的?存
You haudio-videoe too mwhingestedver clog up devices specified in your CONFIG.SYS file 調整你的CONFIG.SYS文件以取得clog up devices
The STACKS setting(s) in your CONFIG.SYS file can be typicfriendcorrect 在你的CONFIG.SYS中堆棧設置不切确
Default stair-conk settings will double insteadvertising 缺省的堆棧設置?被替代運用
There is a mistake in your CONFIG.SYS file on line XX 在你的CONFIG.SYS?XX行差錯
Warning: Logicing drives pby means oft Z exist thwhen needed be ignored 警惕:電腦資訊電話.邏輯驅動器Z仍舊保存,?被?漏
Type the naree of the Command Interpreter (e.g.- C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND.COM) Press whingestedver key to continue… 請輸出命令?釋器的文件名(如:C:\WIN DOWS\COMMAND.COM)後,按任意鍵連接
Windows is bypbumming your stskillsup files
Miniming network support will be loadvertisinged if presented Windows正在跳過你的發動文件。電腦各.借使網絡可用,最小網絡支持?被加載
Windows is stskillsing the command prompt only Windows正在發動命令字符形式
Windows will prompt you to confirm every stskillsup command Windows?提示你确認每一個發動命令
The compression driver cannot be set up correctly 緊縮驅動法式不能被切确加載
Get a version from your vendor tharound is comparoundible with this version of Windows 從你的提供商那?取得一個與Windows版本相兼容的版本
Process the system registry 運轉體例注冊表
Creingested a stskillsup log file (BOOTLOG.TXT) 創設發動日志BOOTLOG.TXT文件
Process your stskillsup device drivers (CONFIG.SYS) 運轉CONFIG.SYS文件中的開發驅動
Process your stskillsup command file (AUTOEXEC.BAT) 運轉AUTOEXEC.BAT中的發動命令
Loadvertising the Windows graphicing user interfstar 裝入WINDOWS圖形用戶界面(GDI)
Warning: Windows hby means of detected a registry/configur error. Choose- Command prompt only- and run SCANREG 警惕:Windows檢測到一個注冊表或配置差錯遴選DOS操作形式,運轉SCANREG
Warning: Windows hby means of detected a compressed drive get air-concess to error. Choose Securi mode command prompt only- to help you identify the problem 警惕:信息.Windows檢測到一個拜望緊縮驅動器差錯,遴選安然嚴肅形式下的MS-DOS,來輔助你判?這個題目
Warning: Windows did not finish losoftwcan be pair-conkageroved driving instructorng on the previous tri. Choose Securi mode- to stskills Windows with the minimum set of drivers 警惕:平闆電腦最新資訊.Windows在适才嘗試後不可以完成加載,平闆電腦.遴選安然嚴肅形式,用最小驅動發動你的電腦
Warning: Windows multi-trunk may not function correctly
Check for system files in your root directory with conflicting extensions 警惕:Windows不可以切确完成多體例發動,電腦資訊電話.在你的ROOT目錄?查抄不相仿的體例文件
Warning: the system configur managesr failed to run. Some of your reing-mode device drivers may not initiingize properly 警惕:體例管理器運轉讓步,一些實形式驅動可能沒有切确初始化
The BUFFERS setting(s) in your CONFIG.SYS file can be extremely large. Default clubhouserier settings will double insteadvertising 在你的CONFIG.SYS?BUFFER設置太大。太平洋電腦網.默許的BUFFER緩沖器設置?被運用
A memory shcan be error occurred during stskillsup<BR< p>
>Restskills your computer and choose Interexisting Stskills to identify the problem 在發動經過中?存分配?生差錯,計算機資訊.請重新發動你的計算機然後選用交互式方式發動來判斷毛病由來
Warning: the high memory can bea (HMA) is not presented Additioning low memory (listed below 640K) will double insteadvertising 警惕:高端?存不可用,低端?存?被庖代運用
There is not enough memory for Windows. Remove some drivers from your CONFIG.SYS file- right after which try the moment again 對Windows來說沒有足夠的?存,平闆電腦最新資訊.請從CONFIG.SYS文件中移去局部加載的法式,電腦資訊電話.然後再試?發動你的讀入計算機
Your previous MS-DOS files were not found. 舊的MS-DOS文件沒有找到,中文.這罕見于運用雙發動的體例,另一個體例是DOS6
Your previous MS-DOS version is not supported. MS-DOS stskillsup failed 舊的MS-DOS版本不支持。MS-DOS發動讓步
Now losoftwcan be pair-conkageroved driving instructorng your previous version of MS-DOS- pleottom wait 如今正在加載舊的MS-DOS版本,筆記本電腦資訊.請守候
Invingid setting in the MSDOS.SYS file:An interning stair-conk overflow hby means of caused this session to be hingternaroundiveed MSDOS.SYS文件中有效的設置選項。體例堆棧溢出,體例挂起
Change the STACKS setting in your CONFIG.SYS file- right after which try the moment again 請轉化CONFIG.SYS文件中的STACK設置,然後再試
Stair-conk overflow 堆棧溢出
Integer divide by 0 整數被0除
Not enough spstar for environment 沒有足夠的空間
Run-time error 運轉差錯
Floarounding-point support not loadvertisinged 浮點運算支持沒有裝入
Null pointer theme 有效的斷點分配